Thank you for stopping by our blog. We've been wanting to change from the old 'where are you .net' blog for sometime as it wasn't that user friendly.
With having more time I recently really gotten into blogging, you'll see my own blog as Truly Good Woman. I don't think that I am truly good (!) it is based on Proverbs 31, on trying to be the best woman that I can as God has created me and all women to be.
So, with getting better at the whole blogging thing it is mine and Iain's intention to keep you better informed on how we're doing. A prayer letter is coming out this week and we will be setting up a 'Stewardship' account for those of you who feel called to support us in a financial way.
Thank you for your prayers, we hope you will continue to stop by as we are intending on this being a small news area and the prayer letters a overall monthly update. Please let us know how you are, and if indeed you have a blog also.
Love and blessing through Him,
Liz & Iain